논문주제 | 등록 |
Epidemal Growh Factor Receptor and c-erb-B2 Expressions in Biliary Tract Cancers | Korean Journal of HBP Surgery. 2006; Vol. 10, No4 |
EGRF and c-erbB-2 expressions in cholangicarcinomas, and their relations to COX-2 and MNP-9 expressions | A thesis for a doctorage Aug. 2006 |
Surgical Indications for Polypoid Lesions of the Galbladder | The Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 2002; Vol. 62, No3 |
Significance on the Expression of Cyclin, MIB-1 in Benign and Malignant papillary Lesion of the Breast | The Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 2001; Vol. 61, No1 |
Clinical Significance of Scanlon's Procedure in a Modified Radical Mastectomy for Patients with infiltrating Breast cancer | The Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 2000; Vol. 58, No6 |